poezie, proză, muzică, pictură, fotografie, filozofie, evenimente culturale
Beyond the dream –Irina Lucia Mihalca
Translation- Cosmina Simona Mihalca
We're looking until exhaustion
Lost letter - road to light -
Blossoming among the drops of pain.
They dawn will also come when
We will open the Great Gate of the Clouds,
For us angels will sing,
For the saints will accompany us
At the crossing of the river, without wetting their feet!
Seasons inseparable! We'll listen
The song of the two coupled voices
- the child and the old man -
The word of beginning and end, love.
Everything that begins earlier, ends sooner ...
Beyond what gathers in us
We are lights
- souls returned to the beginning-
This snowfall of flowers is the great meeting.
A world of story in the eyes scattered with great dedication!
Everything grows in the sky, a star, a butterfly,
A silver breeze is lost in the light of the wave.
From moment to moment, day to day,
From season to season, we run from the death inside.
Cast out the gray clouds off the blue of your sky!
Beyond thoughts
We will find the wish weeping, its sigh!
No driveway to you hurrying the end,
Neither the place nor the time
What blossoms the flower and the last road to us!
We find ourselves in the sky beyond the sky.
Let's listen to the wind
And the song of the flowers, beyond the dream!
After a fruit ripens, it falls,
Like leaves, like flowers, like man,
The heart breaks more at peace.
Raw and ripe green, and dead - the pointers look like -
No matter from where you look, they all lead to death!
To a new, other life ... The other body - a new life!
Cuvinte cheie :
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